Adding Quick Links to Scissortail HCM Employee Self Service
Using Scissortail HCM Employee Self Service (ESS) helps employees be responsible for their own information and lets them make related decisions quickly and confidently. Learn how to add “quick Links” for easy access to relevant information.
Employee self-service is just one of the fantastic features of Scissortail and should be utilized as often as possible. Making the employee responsible for their own information not only is efficient but also educates the employee so that they can make decisions quickly and with confidence. With Scissortail, employees can update their personal information, request time off, and review paid time off balances. Adding “quick links” to the employee’s home page simplifies the process even further.
Example of Quick Links
Once an employee logs in, a variety of “Quick Links” can be added to make it easier for the employee to navigate to certain areas
Examples of Quick Links:
My Profile link navigates to the employee’s demographic and personal information
Change Password link allows the employee to update his/her password
Employee Information under My Team navigates to a list of a manager’s employees containing their information
Current Timesheet navigates to the employee’s timesheet to allow quick entry
Time Off Request navigates to the request for time off screen
Accrual Details navigates to PTO accrual balances
W2’s navigates to the W2 screen where the employee can choose electronic delivery, download a W2, or review past W2 information
Pay Statements navigates to the employee’s pay statements
Withholding navigates to past W-4 elections and gives the employee an option to add a new withholding form
Payroll administrators can add quick links to view different items such as pay registers, balances, or specific payroll reports
Process Payroll will navigate to the process payroll menu – specifically for payroll administrators
A separate window can be added called My To Do Items to remind managers to complete performance review, approve timesheets, etc.
Add as many links as needed to aide employees in retrieving and updating information. Managers and payroll personnel also appreciate quick links!