The Knowledge tip for today from CS3 is How to Setup Matching Groups in HRMS.
In our example the Savings benefits have already been set up and we are coming back in to add the Matching Group
But let’s get started on the matching group:
1. Go to Setup > Employee > Savings Plan Group
a. Enter a Code for the Group (401K MATCH)
b. Enter a Name gor the Group (401k Match Group)
c. Select the Type of Employer Match (Percentage)
d. Enter the Maximum Employer Contribution (4%)
e. Select the Plans to be included in the group
i. Highlight the plan and click the arrow to move it to the selected box
ii. OR double click each plan to select it
f. Move the plans up and down to put them in the order you want HRMS to address them
g. Confirm the effective dates
h. Click Apply
i. Click OK to acknowledge the message about Update Benefits
j. Click OK to return to main page
Now you need to Run the Update Benefits process
2. Go to Employees > Update Benefits (under the Processes sections)
a. Click Yes
b. Click OK on the message about recalculating benefits
Finally, we need to run an open payroll to update the changes to the match on the employees’ pay tabs.
3. Go to Payroll > Process Payroll > Open Payroll
Now that all the steps are complete, we can look at the pay tab for an employee who is contributing to multiple plans to see how the match will be calculated for those plans.
4. Go to Employees > View Edit Employees
a. Select an Employee
b. Go to Payroll > Employee Payroll > Pay
c. Scroll down to the Match code in the list ofearnings and deductions
Viola! It worked out just perfectly!
So, That’s all it takes but it will save you a lot of heartache in the long run!