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April 26, 2023

​​Emerging Accounting Trends: High Turnover and the importance of Technology

I am not an Accountant or an HR Professional but many of my colleagues and clients are. Consequently, I try to read articles and posts about subjects near and dear to them. I skip IRS publications and many touchy-feely subjects; I am a sales professional after all. 

The article on "Accounting talent migration" grabbed my attention. It shed light on the high turnover rate in accounting positions, a topic I had never before considered.(“Who knew”) This article shocked me with more than half of accountant survey respondents indicating that they were unsure if they would remain with their company until year end.

 “More than 60% of accountants reported that technology is more important in their job satisfaction today than it was two to three years ago.”

Sounds silly but this added a new spin on my job. 

Communicate to my clients about technology solutions that can add value and make them happier in their jobs. This changes the way we see sales. Indeed, there's more to it than just ROI.

Read the full article
