2015-05-05 19:00
2015-05-05 19:00
2015-05-05 19:00
2025-01-19 17:48
A video on Out of the box compliance reporting for ee0-1.
You can easily stay compliant with current hiring practices by creating EEOC reports within Sage HRMS. EEOC reports are an obligation for all employers who have more than one hundred employees. You can view EEO Job Group Age Analysis, EEO Headcount Detail, and various other reports.

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EEOC Reporting in Sage HRMS

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May 6, 2015

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EEO standard reports in Sage HRMS will ensure that you remain in compliance with all your hiring practices by easily and automatically creating the required EEOC reports. The EEOC collects workforce data from employers with more than one hundred employees with lower thresholds applying to federal contractors. Employers meeting the reporting thresholds have a legal obligation to provide this data. It is not voluntary.

EEO reports help you track an employer’s compliance in its hiring practices. The data is collected using several reports and is used for a variety of purposes including enforcement, self-assessment by employers, and research. Each of the reports collects data about gender and race ethnicity by some type of job grouping. This information is shared with other authorized federal agencies to avoid duplicate collection of data and reduce the burden the placed-on employers. Although the data is confidential, aggregated data is available to the public. Sage HRMS reporting tools include a library of 100-plus pre-configured standard reports including the ones required by the EEOC.

These reports can be found by going to “Reports” > “EEO Reports” and scrolling through the available reports. Let’s look at a couple of the available reports. The “EEO Job Group Age Analysis” is a matrix that indicates the number of employees from specific age groups falling within each EEO job group. In addition to assisting you with a DEA at compliance, this report also helps you analyze your workforce and helps you plan for groups of employees who are approaching retirement.

In ‘Standard Criteria” we will choose the company, and in “Specific Criteria” just choose which date you want this report to go through. We can “Preview” the report, “Print” it or of course “Export” it to excel. There is the listing of the EEO job group analysis by age.

The “EEO 1 Headcount Detail” report gives you a list of employees grouped by EEO classification which enables you to reconcile the information generated in the “EEO Headcount Summary Report.” Let’s look at that. Again, choose your company and look at your reporting period. For this example, we’ll just use this subset. You can choose which type of employee you are looking for or leave it blank if you are looking for everyone. Again, let’s preview the report. It gives you a clear concise view as to your head count detail.

Lastly, let’s look at the “Vets 100 Detail List” report. This report provides employee names and ID’s by job category. For each Vets 100 category, the report includes newly hired veterans by category and total new hires for the 12-month period specified. Again, choose your employer and look at that specific criteria for the 12 months ending on a specific date. Preview the report and there you have it.

Using the standard EEO reports within Sage HRMS provides a quick, accurate means to meet your compliance reporting needs.
