2015-09-13 19:00
2015-09-13 19:00
2015-09-13 19:00
2025-01-19 17:47
Video: Voiding a payroll check after the payperiod has been closed.
Voiding a payroll check is easy with Sage HRMS. Ensure that all taxes are reversed properly and compliance reporting is addressed properly. This video will walk you through the steps to avoid the potholes.

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How to Void a Payroll Check in HRMS

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September 14, 2015

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This video will give you step-by-step instructions on how to properly void a check in Sage HRMS.


"The following video will demonstrate how to void a check—or multiple checks in Sage HRMS. First, we will void one check in HRMS. The actual words used to define a void check is reverse transactions. I will use that terminology throughout the rest of the video.

Once you are logged on to Sage HRMS, you can go and select payroll, and from the tasks and scroll down to processes, select reverse transactions. Now we will select the bank code for the bank that corresponds to the company that we are currently working in. We’ll click on the magnifying glass, select the bank. And as you can see, the bank account number automatically populates from the bank setup. Under the source application, we will change from Bank services to US payroll, and the reverse document field automatically populates with the word payments. The little click-box for reverse multiple transactions, we will review that in a few minutes.

So, for this particular void for reverse transaction of a check, we will say that the employee lost the original check. The original reversal date can either be the date of the check when it was originally done, or it can be any other date after that, that corresponds to a payroll that you’recurrently in that you want the taxes to be combined with. In this particular case, we will say 10/15 is the reversal date.

Underneath the employee number, we’ll will do the magnifying glass to find an employee, use the criteria ‘last name contains’, and we will put in “Bell.” We’ll click on our employee, and select. Next will be the check payment number, we will once again click on the magnifying glass, and she has three particular checks in her list. So we are going to say, the 926 check is the one that she had lost, we will click on that particular check and select edit. And the payment amount for that check automatically populates, as well as the payment date—the original date the check was written. At this time, we have all the information that we need to process the reverse transaction. We will now click on ‘post,’ it has processed and then delivers a message that says ‘reverse transaction completed successfully’ we will now close out of that message and close out of the reverse transaction completely. Next, we will demonstrate the voiding or the reversing the transactions for multiple checks.

Once again, we choose on payroll, scroll down to processes,click on reverse transactions, now we can just next. Our bank is chosen, bank account number populates, change bank services to US payroll. Now, we will click on the reverse transactions box. We now get multiple criteria that we can choose from. Anywhere from the check payment number from the beginning check number two the ending check number, we can do a particular payment date, we can also select the payment amount, and we can also select from one particular employee through another employee.

Now the most common is usually during a payroll process or one that is done in error. We will have to do from one paycheck to another, but we can also use the payment date. In this particular case, I know there was a payroll done on 10/10. And as we click on the second one, it automatically populates with the same data. So, any check that was done on 10/10 2014, we will now see as being a possible reversing transaction. Next, we come down to the double arrow, click on it. And as you can see, it populates table below. It now shows the reverse, which at this time, none would be reversed. It shows us the check numbers in reversing order, and it also shows us the check date of 10/10,and we can scroll up and down, or side to side, just to confirm, we’re doing exactly what we want.

In this particular case, we will do them all, so we can do a‘select all.’ As you can see now, the reverse field goes to ‘Yes’, it gives the reversal date as our current date and the rest of the information that goes along with it. At this particular time, we can post it; then our message pops up in our reverse transactions are completed successfully.

Now what we can do is we can close out, and we will just confirm that that has taken place under employee or in the last name, we will type in ‘Bell.’ There’s Veronica Bell, and we will select her and underneath employee activity—underneath the checks tab. We can now see that the 926 check has been reversed. And we can also see that the 10/10 check was also reversed.The 926 was the one we did just for her, and the 1010 one is the one that was done, when we did the group of people. So let’s look at one more person. And as you can see, his 1010 check has also been reversed.

So, I hope you find that this demonstration has been helpful. Thank you!"

Employe Self-service