2019-10-10 19:00
2019-10-10 19:00
2019-10-10 19:00
2025-01-19 17:46
Sending automated emails to employees in Scissortail HCM (alerts)
Email notification can be created in Scissortail powered by UKG, (sister product of Workforce Ready). This allows you tag employees with reminders to complete activities until accomplished. Once created the notification monitors the system for the activity for any given employee.

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How to create Notification Emails in Scissortail HCM

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How to AddNotifications in Scissortail HCM

Hi I’m Rhonda Siex with CS3 Technology and today I’m going to show you how to add notifications in Scissortail HCM.

So, the first thing we want to do is Click the “hamburger” in top left corner of the screen (three lines). When you hover over it, it says “Show Menu.” So let’s click that.

One thing I like to do is use the Quick Search Box and just type in what I’m looking for.  When I type in “Notifications”, I get a list of items.  The one that I want, today, is the one with the words Global Setup next to it.  You will have to click on the words to get it open.  By doing this, it took me to the Company Notifications Screen.  

On this screen, we can see the list of notifications that are already setup and if they are active.

Click the New Notification button (Top Right) to add a new notification.  Here, is where we find the list of items that we can choose from to modify for our purpose. Today, I’m choosing the Checklist Reminder.

Now, I add the name of the Notification and I also copy this to the Subject of the Email notification. Of course we need to remember to add the from email address that will always be noreply@UKG.com. Then, you need to setup the body of your email using the available tags in the lower window.  These tags help you personalize the email for each recipient by merging their information into this email template.  Remember to add the “login”tag which will insert a link to  Scissortail HCM for the receiver as well.

Next, I go to Recipients section to select the box for the Employee. This will automatically send each employee the notification when achecklist has been added to their account.

Now, I go to the When section to set the parameters for when the notification should be triggered.  

Once everything has been setup, Click Save.

It’s just that easy!

Steps to Add a Notification:

1.      Click in the “hamburger” in top left corner ofthe screen (three lines).  

2.      In the Quick Search bar

a.      Type notifications

b.      For our purposes we will select the first option in global Setup

3.      On the company notifications screen

a.      We can see the notifications that are already setup and if they are active

4.      to add a new notification

a.      Click New Notification (in the top right corner of the screen)

b.      Find the Notification template you want to add

c.      Click the Flag to select it

5.      Inside the Notification Setup

a.      Enter a name for the Notification

b.      Select the choice of recipients for Delivery

c.      Set the conditions for the notification

d.      On the message -    

                                                  i.     From = noreply@UKG.com

                                                ii.     Update the Subject and Body of the email as appropriate

                                              iii.     You can insert the tag links using the list below.

6.      Click SAVE

Scissortail HCM